Thursday, November 8, 2012

scotiabank gala trivialitiez

ok so i'm gonna make this short and sweet cuz i know nobawdy's even reading this anyways ----> the main thing i've learned as a guest servicez agent at a prestigey golf resort is that passive aggressive "hi how are you" culture has gone 2 far. espesh with the middle aged golf luvin crowd. #got2stop.

it's rill cray you guys. im not even exaggerating. sometimes i wonder if that will be me one day, aggressing a young teen with a bowl cut about how his day is going while all i'm thinking about is when i'll get my next country club fix. did they add my lunch onto the bill. why did he pre-authorize 500 dollars? i'm not a crook. he thinks i'll steal.

i unno y'all. people.