Wednesday, March 21, 2012

is gibby the new bowie ?! do u channel #CARLYBETHOFFICIAL with makey upsies?

i read in the newspaperz that vintage stuf is pretty coo theze dayz so i decided to vintagasize ma self and party in the USA, meaning in brixton England, where bowie mcbowbow was created as a bb. ma friend Hairflip told me to makeup-a-size my face so i #HOTTRANNYMESS'd around tha room and chillaxed my way into mega elite stardom.

l8er once i'd shaved my head + the papa razzmatazzes fled the scene, i realized that this just wudn't comin off!! i decided to channel carly beth, that gurl who 8 a worm in her sammich and the kidz giggled so loud that she ran away and got a scar face'd man to look away while she stole a creep mask, and i told me best fran sabrina "yo sabrina gurl I'm seriuzz this ting just aint comin off" and sabrinzies was all "o carly beth maybe we should get a kitchen knife" and i just ran away into the fog instead and scared chuck 'n steve @ a graveyard.

Monday, March 19, 2012

NEON is HAWWWT these days

o kay boiz N gurlz so I've been working really hard today to get a post out 4 all u kutey pies so I'm trying out this software called picasa that i heard the greatz r using to look chill n super contemplative so i turned myself YELLOW + BLUE !!! ;P ;P haha lol.

ill leave u bb's wit this: follow the example of all da hot trendsettaz and john mayor's out there and NEONIFY U SELF ! i just KNOW it'll make u life so much gentler, i know it

<3 u bbs

Sunday, March 18, 2012

omg lol hi im gibby

so instead of boring y'allz with the story of how i saved the cuban revolution with a surprisingly tasty solution (let's just say it involved cinnamon buns and castro in pigtails), i'll just unnecessarily self promote with some qualitay images that r quintessentially gibby (that's me; actually my names alan robert bigelow but my friends call me gibby. i guess u can call me alan cuz i have no effing clue who u r. but i <3 u so much u have no idea !!).

this is me 'n kyssha bein tantalizing seductresses. if u know vancouver this is stanley park, a park; a park, which is in vancouver. im not sure if u can see behind in the sexy blurriness but hiding over tharr is teen heart throb sarah mclachlan. we <3 u 4 being so gosh darn singer songwriter sarah !!

i try to be as original as possible + feel lyke stereotypes dun define me, u no? thazz y as a young gay twink i <3 lady gaga. i even bathed in/threw a bunch of cheerios cuz it helps develop my identity as a young artist + no body understandz me. im diff u know?

omg once u get to know me u'll know that i LOVVVVEEEE designer collaborayshuns, espesh when theyre with my favourite store h&m and mrs. italian designer pants marni, o god i just fell over in shock when i was camping out at vancouvzies' h&m cuz the saffronness of this one shirt was just too much and i blackout and woke up with this #sweetTAT that y'all can see on my porcelain skin. i can't wait to be 80 or some shit and the 'm' might have drifted down to my manboobular areas, i just think it'll be major !!

ok so i just can't do this anymore guys i have to go ok, u can't just keep me here lyke a prisoner in my own blog i just gotta go ok?!? i just gotta go i can't stay i have plans so i can't be here right now. i'll talk about prada or some shit tomorrow